Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011




Since a lot of friends who got the USB problem was not detected by the computer alias could not be opened on my computer, is there a way to be opened again.

Logic in general:
Flash disks are not detected probably due to the FDD drivers incompatible with the OS used, there is a fat system crashes on flash disk and flash disk is the last chance you completely destroyed. Adapaun to fix it following early treatment.

Okay, just a short ..

Open a command prompt, start-> run-> "cmd"

into the USB drive, eg: e: / f: / g:
type: chkdsk / f -> why / f? search in cmd, "help chkdsk '
Select yes (y) to perform checkdisk process after the company restarted
Restart the PC, let the process take place after winlogon

If cmd can not enter into the usb drive, the above can still be done from any drive, with the command: chkdsk (: e / f / g usb drive) [/...]
Hopefully the USB flasdisk previously could not be opened, can now be reopened

Flash authors found

     Log into Windows XP DOS prompt and type CHKDSK / F drive letter: (chkdsk / fv:)
     Completed check of Check Disk (CHKDSK), you try to dispose of the existing files on the Flash Disk drive letter with the Del command :*.*. The examples in order remove a file from the Flash Disk on drive V: is DEL V: *.*
     Once again you try to format with the command Promt Dos. Format V:
     Or use the way through the Computer Management and see the drive volume V, and you try to format. If there are still doing the boot error message on the computer

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